About Us

What We Stand For

Palestinian Anglicans and Clergy Allies stands with the cause of Palestinian liberation and the right of Palestinians to security and self-determination in their historic homeland. 

We stand in solidarity with Palestinian Christians of all denominations -- especially Palestinian Anglicans and Lutherans. Our priority is to uplift the often neglected narratives of Palestinian Christians, with whom we hold a special connection through our shared baptism. 

We reject all forms of Christian Zionism, as defined by Palestinian Lutheran Pastor Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac: "Christian Zionism is a political movement that uses the Bible to justify and legitimize Israel's position of power, and by extension their own power, at the expense of Palestinians."

We reject all manifestations of Islamophobia, anti-Arab racism, and antisemitism.

We commit ourselves to prayer for peace among all people in the Holy Land, and we affirm that true peace can only be achieved along with true justice for Israelis and Palestinians.

We value the processes of learning and listening and honor honest questions as we seek to understand and amplify the Palestinian voice. PACA is a community of relationships that values the holy work of changing the mind and transforming the heart.


The Rev. Canon Leyla King

The Rev. Canon Leyla King is a Palestinian-American Episcopal priest, an advocate of small churches, and a wife and mother. She is a founding member of both Palestinian Anglicans and Clergy Allies and The Small Churches Big Impact Collective (smallchurchesbigimpact.org). Currently, she serves as the Canon for Mission in Small Congregations for the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. She writes about her experiences as a Palestinian, a clergywoman and a mother at thankfulpriest.com.

The Rev. Lauren Grubaugh Thomas 

The Rev. Lauren Grubaugh Thomas (she/her) is a nurturer of faithful dissidents, empowering communities to embrace the sacred art of nonviolent social change. She is a church-planting Episcopal priest in Littleton, Colorado, where she makes her home with her spouse and twin toddlers. Lauren also serves on the Steering Committee of the Clergy Emergency League, a grassroots movement resisting white Christian nationalism. Find her writing and podcasting at A Soulful Revolution.

The Rev. Nicole Janelle, MPH  

The Rev. Nicole Janelle (she/her) is an Episcopal priest serving in the Anglican Church of Canada. She has experience in parish, campus and farm-based ministry, and has served as a hospice/palliative care chaplain. She is passionate about transformative social and ecological justice work. Nicole currently makes her home in Calgary, Alberta with her partner and three young children.

The Rev. Dr. Rachel Kessler  

The Rev. Dr. Rachel Kessler is a parish priest and college chaplain currently serving in Gambier, OH with a passion for interfaith engagement and dialogue. She has served in both the Anglican Church of Canada and The Episcopal Church. She balances ministry and family life with her husband and two children, along with part-time teaching of Old English literature. You can find her online as The Nerdy Priest on TikTok and Instagram @RevRachelK on Linktree